- Lodge Chief

Wyatt O.
Lodge Chief
My Responsibilities
The Lodge Chief shall preside at business meetings of the Lodge and of the Lodge Executive Committee. They shall counsel with the Council Scout Executive, or their appointed staff representative, and the volunteer Lodge Adviser (Lodge Key 4) concerning Lodge operation.
They shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. They will work with the Camp Director(s) and Lodge Adviser to recommend to the Camp Director(s) an OA Camp Chief, and assign to them such duties as are necessary for the successful operation of the Lodge at summer camp(s). At the Council Scout Executive’s discretion, the Lodge Chief may serve on the Council Board of Directors. The Lodge Executive Committee may assign them special duties.
Committees That Report to Me
- All Lodge Committees
- Vigil
- Admonition
- Conclave
Leadership I Report To
Contact Me
Table of Contents
Tagged Key 3