Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve done our best to answer our most commonly asked questions. Please contact us if you do not find an answer to your question.

How do I sign up to receive text messages from the Lodge?

The Lodge Communications Team has implemented a text communication service, using the help of Remind. This program will not only allow the Lodge to send out important information to members via text messages, but Chapter Chiefs and Advisers can also use the program for their Chapter meetings, events and more. Follow the instructions below to sign up today and start receiving texts!
Chapter Text Code
Kickapoo @KPOchapter
Kikthawenund @KIKchapter
Lobarlewhense @LBHchapter
Lowaneu Allanque @LOAchapter
Quanasita @QUNchapter
Tatankaskah @TAKchapter
Wahpekahmekunk @WPKchapter
Wahpinachi @WCHchapter
Wapsuchuppecatt @WAPchapter
Wundchenneu @WUNchapter
Updated list coming soon.

I used to be an OA member. How do I get back active?

No, you don’t have to go through an Ordeal again. In fact, we’ve tried to make the process as simple as possible. Please fill out our New or Changed Information Form, and once complete, pay your yearly dues online (or in-person). That’s it!

Once we receive your request, we will enter you into our membership system (if you aren’t already in there), apply the dues payment, and mail out your membership card.

If I’m an Ordeal candidate, can I arrive to my Ordeal late Friday?

While we prefer Ordeal candidates arrive at the scheduled time, we understand life happens. If you have registered for an Ordeal and have a conflict on Friday night, please contact the Events Committee as soon as possible.

If I’m an Ordeal candidate, can I leave my Ordeal late Saturday?

We prefer Ordeal candidates leave at the scheduled time on Sunday; however, a Scout is reverent so we understand you may have a religious commitment. If you have registered for an Ordeal and have a conflict on Sunday morning, please contact the Events Committee as soon as possible.

My child is going through their Ordeal. Can I come watch?

There are NO secret societies in the Order of the Arrow or Boy Scouts of America. Period.

That being said, we’ve noticed Ordeal candidates have a more meaningful experience if they aren’t aware of what will happen during their Ordeal. So, if you ever think you will be nominated into OA, you may reconsider coming to watch; otherwise, for everyone’s safety, please be sure to check-in at the registration table before wandering camp.

What Chapter do I belong to?

Click on an icon below to learn more.
Jaccos Towne Lodge map

Chapter: Allogagan (ALO)
District: Five Creeks

Chapter: Kickapoo (KPO)
District: Wabash Valley

Chapter: Lobarlehense (LBH)
District: Pathfinder

Chapter: Tahkwii Chitaneyo (TCO)
District: Monon

Chapter: Wapsuchuppecatt (WAP)
District: Fall Creek

Chapter: Wapsusipo (WAS)
District: White River

Chapter: Wahpinachi (WCH)
District: Bear Creek

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